Thursday 6 October 2011

apple cinnamon waffles + chai latte

happy birthday to me...

Sorry for the extremely long absence as I was busy doing....nothing. Anyway this post goes out to Jackie Gao who for some reason has taken a liking to this blog. I'm just super lazy and cbbed making a post. I WAS going to do a post on the birthday cake I made for my dad but it was really ugly and that made me sad...


So, I woke up this morning hungry and seventeen. The seventeen thing was new but the hungry thing was quite a familiar territory for me. Unfortunately we were out of bread so my glorious plan of toast and peanut butter for breakfast was ruined forever. After raging for several minutes cursing my useless, empty kitchen I finally decided to make waffles which I haven't done for years. We also had an excess of apples so I put them in the waffles too. And I like cinnamon. I like chai. Don't you love my idea generation to action process? I am so simple minded. Anyway here are some pictures of food.

Now THAT'S breakfast.

Eugh can I just have this paragraph to complain about how hard it is to take photos of yourself holding something? YES I CAN. It is an absolute pain. Especially since I am love with manual focus but that requires two hands but I don't have a spare hand BECAUSE I AM HOLDING SOMETHING. aoirfhvcoha. Well that was fun.

So let's breakdown this breakfast!

Remind me never ever to say/type that again.

In a nutshell: Waffles with of apple and cinnamon in it and chai tea.

In an overly-long descriptive way that makes it sound fancier and tastier than it actually is just like those Red Rock Deli chips flavour names-I mean really, 'vintage cheddar' and red onion?? It's just cheese and onion! Whoa that went off topic. Oops. : Homemade waffles with sliced ripe Fuji apples spiced with ground cinnamon and spiced chai latte topped also with ground cinnamon.

Ahh I love adding fruit to sweets. I can pretend that I am being healthy. I don't think that's a good habit. Anyway the apple is gets cooked whilst the waffle is made and it gets all soft and warms and tasty. I like.

Recipe time.

[I used a really basic waffle recipe because I am lazy, if you are bothered, you can make belgian waffles but egg whites=electric beaters=cleaning=NOH]

apple cinnamon waffles (serves 2ish)

1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon caster sugar
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 tablespoon oil.
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 sliced and peeled apple

1. Stir flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together in a bowl.
2. Stir in milk, egg, oil and combine.
3. Add cinnamon and apple and stir.
4. Cook using waffle iron until golden brown. The time depends on your waffle iron.
5. Top with apple and syrup and serve.

okay I kinda went a bit crazy with the cinnamon. I would recommend you NOT to add as much as me.


So anyway I was at the markets on the weekend and saw some chai tea mix so I thought that I might as well try it out. It's probably not authentic but hey, it's tasty.

chai latte (serves 1)

2/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon chai tea mix

1. Heat 1/3 water with the chai tea mix and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. This will brew a strong tea.
2. Strain into cup.
3. Using an espresso machine, steam the milk until about 70 C and is frothy. Pour into cup.
4. Stir, add desired sugar and top with cinnamon.

Overall it was pretty tasty and great for an impromptu breakfast. If I had more time or willpower I would have used a more complex waffle recipe and gone easier on the cinnamon. The chai latte was good but I recommend using full cream milk instead of lite milk as it foams better. Jeez when did this get so damn formal? DANCE!

oh and guess what? MY TRACE HAS BROKEN. I am now able to perform spells outside of Hogwarts. Mwhahahaha. Time to magic these dishes away.

Well, until next time. Which uh...maybe in a while. Remember, DON'T perform spells if you are under seventeen. Magic is awesome. As is Harry Potter. Until the very end.

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