Monday 14 November 2011

quinoa + black bean + cumin

I'm really bad at this blogging thing.

Honestly it actually takes me forever until I can be bothered to write up a blog and upload the photos I took. Did you know that I have several dishes that I've photographed but cbbed putting up? Not to mention that I don't know where half my photos are. Organisation! Yeah!

Here I've cooked quinoa, black bean and cumin and it's just a recipe floating around the net so nothing fancy or creative here.

So what is quinoa exactly? I actually don't really know. Hang on...

"Although not a common item in most kitchens today, quinoa is an amino acid-rich (protein) seed that has a fluffy, creamy, slightly crunchy texture and a somewhat nutty flavor when cooked." 


"Most commonly considered a grain, quinoa is actually a relative of leafy green vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard. It is a recently rediscovered ancient "grain" once considered "the gold of the Incas." 

Awesome. Incas.

Anyway it's meant to be super healthy cos its high in protein and has all of the essential amino acids in it. Eh. It's an awesome word. It's actually pronouced keen-wah. Funkeh.

I bought the stuff at the organic section and Woolworths but you can probably get it at health food store or other trendy, organicy stores like Thomas Dux or whatever. It's not exactly cheap but I wanted to try it out. Black beans were bought tinned at an asian grocery store. There are several varieties so theres the black quinoa, red quinoa etc.

Intense close up. They look really cool.

This stuff is actually pretty tasty. The recipe given wasn't flavoured enough as I would have liked so I increased the amount of spice I put it in. It wasn't too spicy but if you wanted to make it hotter, add more of the cayenne pepper. I made it for 3 people and it was filling enough but I think it would have made a better side with perhaps some grilled chicken or something.

quinoa + black beans +cumin

1 tsp oil (I used olive)
1 chopped onion
3 chopped garlic cloves
125g quinoa
1 1/2 vegetable stock
1 tsp cumin (I added another 1/2)
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (I added another pinch, I'm a coward okay! That stuff is hot. Huh...line is long)
salt and pepper
185g corn kernels (I used frozen ones, defrosted)
400g drained and rinsed black beans. (Add as much or little as you like)
BIG handful coriander

1. Soak quinoa in a bowl of water while preparing everything else. (chopping etc.) Quinoa needs to be washed so drain it afterwards before use.
2. Heat oil in a saucepan on medium and stir in onion and garlic. Cook until light brown.
3. Add quinoa and vegetable stock. Add spices and salt and pepper.
4. Bring to boil, cover and reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
5. Add corn and simmer for 5 minutes.
6. Mix black beans and coriander.

Mmmm so easy.

Thursday 10 November 2011

lemon + blueberry cake

This is not my prettiest cake. I am a failure at icing.

Ehhh short post. I baked this cake using this recipe --> Sweetapolita - Triple-Lemon Blueberry Cake. It looks amazing doesn't it? Oh my goodness, everything on that blog is so tasty looking. Made another cake inspired by that site.

To be honest I didn't like this cake much, I think I added to much lemon. I didn't have any lemon extract so I just winged it and added extra zest and juice but that didn't work out well. Lemon extract has a really strong lemon flavour but isn't as acidic as actual lemon so it is often used in baking. BUT I was lazy and did not have any so it resulted in a very acidy cake.

My icing is a fail because I was dumb and only did only one dodgy coat. What you are meant to do is freeze the cake, make layers, freeze, ice lightly, freeze and ice properly. It's this whole freezing and icing cycle that I completely skipped. But I've learnt! Kinda.

And don't let the flowers and doilies and frills fool you. I actually made this for my brother's birthday. What a man he is.

Okay pictures.

And now to look inside the cake.

It's a bit icky because I added too many blueberries (I'm a blueberry addict) so they all sank to the bottom and made the cake take forever to cook. I always add too much fruit to my stuff...

Yes. It is quite ugly. Sigh. 

Oh well, make a wish big brother.

And here is a picture of a dog because I like dogs and I like this one. 




Okay goodbye.