I don't even remember how to start a blog post.
Oh whatever, that'll do.
Got roped into making pancakes for my mum this morning. Yesterday I fell in love with this pink bowl which I thought would be perfect for pouring pancake batter and my mum only bought it on the condition that I would make her pancakes today. Thus the caramelised banana pancakes.
And behold my precious bowl along with a whole lot of other junk.
Also, it actually took me four treks up the stairs to even manage to get these photos taken. Since the weather was oh-so-lovely today and light was almost non-existent, I needed to my flash to take thses photos. But it was out of battery and since AA batteries in our household are an extremely limited commodity, I had to spend a good 15 minutes hunting. I have now learnt that all of our remotes use AAA batteries and the X-box controllers that use AA are all empty. Oh hey! Random segway for the day which has absolutely nothing to do with baking.
I used a basic pancake batter recipe which I found online so it seems a bit redundant to post it up but since I need to take up space in this post and feel as though I am actually a good food blogger, I will.
basic pancake recipe
[serves four but I can eat half myself because pancakes are delicious and don't you dare try to stop me]
1 cup self-raising flour
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1/4 cup caster sugar
1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 egg
cooking spray
1. Sift flour into a bowl and mix in the sugar and bicarb soda
2. Whisk buttermilk and egg.
3. Stir/whisk into the flour mixture
4. Heat frying pan over medium heat and spray with oil.
5. Pour batter into pan and cook until bubbles appear on the surface. (2 minutesish)
6. Flip and continue until cooked. (1-2 minutes)

Oh that last picture is awful. Action shots are so difficult to take.
And oh, if you are worried about not having any buttermilk at home it's okay! Cos I never do! I just use a substitute because I'm cheap and lazy and I use this instead.
buttermilk substitute
1 cup of milk
1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar
1. Combine.
2. Stir.
3. Wait for 5 minutes.
It looks pretty gross though, like curdled milk. Buttermilk is traditionally just leftover sour liquid from churned butter. Nowadays they just add lactic acid to milk and let it ferment for a couple hours so it's sort of what we are doing here. I used about half a lemon because one lemon yields 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and I used 1 1/4 milk because that's what the recipe asked for.

And now the bananas!
caramelised bananas
4 bananas
40g butter
1/4 cup sugar
1. Slice bananas diagonally
2. Melt butter and sugar in a pan.
3. Add bananas and let them cook until soft (5 minutesish)

To serve, you can add some maple syrup (though it should be sweet enough) and I dusted mine with cinnamon and added cream because I felt it was too healthy.
And that's pretty much it from me so see you in a couple months.
Oh and coffee.

And more pictures.
